
The Impact of Lubricants on Air Compressor Energy Efficiency

 The impact of the lubricant on the energy efficiency of the air compressor is mainly two aspects:1. Lubricant viscosity. Generally speaking, the greater the viscosity of the lubricant the greater the resistance, the lower the energy efficiency, but this is not absolute, mainly based on the machine to choose the lubricant viscosity. Host rotor clearance, sealing performance of the air compressor, choose to use low-viscosity lubricant, so that running resistance will be smaller, energy efficiency will be higher, such as No. 32 lubricant; host rotor clearance, sealing performance of the air compressor, the choice of a slightly higher viscosity lubricant, you can improve the sealing performance, such as No. 46 lubricant.

2. Lubricant carbon. If dust is the biggest source of air compressor pollution, then, carbon is the second largest source of air compressor pllution. Selection of high-quality lubricants will greatly reduce the production of carbon deposits, the less carbon deposits, the smaller the oil pressure difference, the higher the energy efficiency of the air compressor.